Mission Accomplished


Yesterday I made a decision to “out myself” so to speak as a closeted clutter keeper. Against my better judgment, I showed you pictures of the places in my house that I never let people see. The places I let get out of control. My theory was, if I showed them to you, it would force me to do something about it just so I could take after pictures and redeem myself. I wouldn’t be able to live with the humiliation looming over my head. Knowing that if I left the mess… YOU ALL WOULD KNOW.

So, after two days of battling dust bunnies, Mt. Laundry, a massive migraine, piles of school papers, three bags of “goodwill clothes” and two bags of trash….here are the results. I will show you the before and after shots. It is more dramatic that way.


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I’m happy to announce I met my deadline! My house is uncluttered…and so is my brain. Well, for the time being. Todd gets home from a trip tonight, and I KNOW he will notice. (he better!) If he doesn’t though, it’s ok. I feel so much better having accomplished the task.

I just hope it can last through the night, maybe even some of tomorrow? Is that too much to ask? Oh well. I’m going to enjoy it tonight.